Friday 17 February 2012

Sw Italian chicken and tomato soup

Well since I saw you last....I joined Slimming World on 17th Feb 2011, I lost 4 stone hitting my target weight in September 2011 and so far I am still there! Amazing I know. I also won my classes "woman of the year" award which was really nice to know I could inspire others.

I want to share with you this picture of a soup I made today, the recipe was from Slimming World's "Little book of soups" and is really delicious. This will definately be a firm favourite on the menu from now on.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

The work continues

I am impressed with myself. I am still working on my stocking and its coming along nicely, my snowman now has a head!!! I can't wait to post some photos of my stocking its so exciting.

The weight loss is hopefully going to get going again from next Thursday, I have an appointment at the doctors surgery for a 12 week weight loss course. I am actually quite excited to get started.

Sunday 17 October 2010

Neglected myself (and my blog)! again....

Well I have been off the healthy eating track since April and I have put back on a stone :(

I'm so disappointed in myself but this is my fresh start now and I have started up my crafts again to stop me picking on a night.

I am currently working on a cross stitched christmas stocking for my daughter and then have one to do for my son. I shall also be making cards and trying my hand at various other things! I'm quite excited!

I shall update with photos once I have some exciting makes to share with you all.

Friday 30 April 2010

Keeping on track

Another day on track, really pleased that I seem to be getting back into the swing of things again.

The top I bought yesterday had to go back today as I discovered a hole in the a new one though so all is good!

I can't believe I got size 16's at all, it seems so unreal at the moment, I think its because its happened quite quickly...not that I'm complaining of course.

I am off to visit a farm on Sunday with the family which I am looking forward to. You get to feed the animals and ride on a tractor and there is also a huge play area for the mini people. We will be having a picnic and I am just hoping I can keep up my willpower and stick to the healthy option!

Been on my sons trampoline with him tonight, had to keep pulling my jeans up as everytime I bounced they were falling down, so not a good look lol.

All in all not a bad day really, apart from some jealousy this evening all is well

Thursday 29 April 2010

Been shopping today :)

Well it was the hubbys day off work today so we decided to go shopping for new clothes. I bought myself a new top, the longline ones with a belt around....and some cropped leggings. I started my weight watchers journey at a dress size new clothes today are size 16!!!! I was so so happy and excited, I can't believe I have come so far in 4 months. I really feel alot better for losing the weight but sometimes I still feel as big as I was, its weird.

I managed to stick to my points yesterday and so far today is also looking good. I need to try to drink more water though, I seem to forget as I am so used to having cups of tea instead.

I can't wait until I can fit into my size 14 clothes, I have a whole wardrobe that I have had for ages, most still with the tags on! Well onwards and downwards :)

Wednesday 28 April 2010

My weight loss journey

I have been doing weight watchers since January 2010 and have lost 30lbs so far. I have another 2 stone to go but have been struggling the last couple of weeks. I have decided to try and keep my blog up to date with my journey in order to try and stick with it! I hope to be somewhere near my goal by summer and definately there by christmas!!

Above are my before and so far pics of how I am doing.... (the bottom one is before!)

Tuesday 16 February 2010

starting my blog

I have decided to actually try and keep this blog up to date....I've had it for ages and never really bothered with it!

I am going to try and take some pictures of my crafts and put some on here if I can work out how.....